月別: 2019年6月
室岡健志「Workshop on Behavioral Contract Theoryを開催して」補足情報(2019/06/13)
『経済セミナー』2019年8・9月号掲載の、室岡健志「Workshop on Behavioral Contract Theoryを開催して」(学会・研究会レビューVol.26)の補足情報を提供しています。
1) Hideshi Itoh(伊藤秀史、早稲田大学)
“Image Concerns in Teams.”
Hideshi Itoh (2004) “Moral Hazard and Other‐Regarding Preferences,” Japanese Economic Review, 55(1):18-45.
2) Matthias Fahn(オーストリア・リンツ大学)
“Reciprocity in Dynamic Employment Relationships.”
Matthias Fahn and Hendrik Hakenes “Teamwork as a Self-Disciplining Device,” American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, forthcoming.
3) Heiko Karle(ドイツ・フランクフルト金融経営大学)
“Consumer Search and the Uncertainty Effect.”
Heiko Karle and Martin Peitz (2014) “Competition under Consumer Loss Aversion,” RAND Journal of Economics 45(1): 1-31.
Heiko Karle and Heiner Schumacher (2017) “Advertising and Attachment: Exploiting Loss Aversion through Pre-Purchase Information,” RAND Journal of Economics 48(4): 875-1135.
4) Takeshi Murooka(室岡健志、大阪大学)
“Zero Prices: Optimal Pricing of Experience Goods under Consumer Loss Aversion.”
Kohei Daido and Takeshi Murooka (2016) “Team Incentives and Reference-Dependent Preferences,” Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 25(4): 958-989.
Kohei Daido, Kimiyuki Morita, Takeshi Murooka, and Hiromasa Ogawa (2013) “Task Assignment under Agent Loss Aversion,” Economics Letters, 121(1): 35-38.
5) Fabian Herweg(ドイツ・バイロイト大学)
“Salience in Retailing: Vertical Restraints on Internet Sales.”
Fabian Herweg, Daniel Muller and Philipp Weinschenk (2010) “Binary Payment Schemes: Moral Hazard and Loss Aversion,” American Economic Review, 100 (5): 2451-2477.
Fabian Herweg and Konrad Mierendorff (2013) “Uncertain Demand, Consumer Loss Aversion, and Flat-Rate Tariffs,” Journal of the European Economic Association, 11(2): 399-432.
6) Antonio Rosato(オーストラリア・シドニー工科大学)
“Projection of Private Values in Auctions.”
Antonio Rosato (2016) “Selling Substitute Goods to Loss-Averse Consumers: Limited Availability, Bargains and Rip-offs,” RAND Journal of Economics, 47(3): pp.709-733.
Antonio Rosato and Agnieszka A.Tymula (2019) “Loss aversion and competition in Vickrey auctions: Money ain’t no good,” Games and Economic Behavior, 115, pp.188-208.
7) Paul Heidhues(ドイツ・デュッセルドルフ大学)
”Identifying Procrastination from the Timing of Choices.”
Paul Heidhues and Botond Kőszegi (2018) “Behavioral Industrial Organization,” in B. Douglas Bernheim, Stefano DellaVigna and David Laibson (eds.) Handbook of Behavioral Economics: Applications and Foundations 1, North-Holland, Chapter 6.
→Workshop on Behavioral Contract Theory, Osaka, April 20, 2019